Thursday, December 21, 2006

Left Behind

A complete set of the 'Left Behind' novels suddenly appeared on the church bookshelf. I have quietly removed them (not because I want to control what people read in their own homes, but because their presence on a church bookshelf indicates our - and my - condoning of the contents) and I'm waiting for someone to claim them. (Although leaving them there might have been the best way to be sure no one would read them!)
I did read the first one in the series - a couple of years ago - to see what all the fuss was about. I concluded that the God portrayed therein bears little relation to the God I worship. But just because Tim La Haye quotes the Bible, people believe what he writes!
I might now read the rest and let you know how I feel about them.
Viv Lassetter (of the BUGB) made this comment in the Baptist Ministers' Journal (July 2002):
"In his 'Left Behind' series La Haye is so sure, so uncompromising. The good are godly and go to be with the Lord, the bad are wicked and will go to hell to be tortured forever. What are Christians in our congregations reading? Who or what is influencing them? ..."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sorry for dredging this up but I find it hard to see how a view that "The good are godly and go to be with the Lord, the bad are wicked and will go to hell to be tortured forever" is anything other than historical Christianity with a sound biblical base.

I must admit to be bemused by your approach as while I would banish the left behind series as well it would be due to rampant dispensationalism that cannot even claim to approach any form of acceptable pre-millenilaism.

While you may have a universalist streak yourself surely you are not claiming that failing to agree with universalism puts you outside an acceptable view of Christianity?

It should be said that I took the test referred to below and got the following worrying scores:

Funsamentalist 71%
Reformed Evangelical 61%
Neo orthodox 54%
Evangelical Holiness/Wesleyan 50%
Roman Catholic 43%
Classical Liberal 32%
Emergent/Postmodern 32%
Modern Liberal 21%
Charismatic/Pentecostal 21%

I am worrying due to the Weslyan and neo orthodox leaning though !

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