1. Do you have a specific mission statement / purpose statement for your children’s work? If so, what is it?
2. Is there a separate section in your Church Mission Statement or Aims and Objectives that relates to your work with children? If so, what is it?
3. Is the purpose of your activit(ies) made specific anywhere else?
4. Do all the children’s workers (and the rest of the church) understand and agree with the
purpose? Or is it just ‘understood’ or ‘assumed’?
5. What is the purpose of your children’s / all age work?
a. Teach children the Bible
b. Develop their faith
c. Instruct them in the faith and traditions of the church
d. Help them to see their daily lives in the light of the Gospel
e. Incorporate them into the worship life of the church
f. Arm them against the dangers of secular culture
g. Nurture their sense of spirituality
h. Other purpose (please state)
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