Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Night Church in the UK?

Those involved with the Night Church project in Cope]nhagen believe that their Mass has the ability to awaken people from their passivity toward God and their own spiritual life. Through the use of signs and symbols, through the use of music and movement, the service is able to convey a real sense of God's presence and grace, is able to speak to the deepest part of a person's life and let them know that “all is well.”

Most people in the UK are not necessarily antagonistic toward God, but neither are they moved by the sterile rituals of our churches. We, too, need to move away from traditional, inherited patterns of worship, experiment with our liturgies, and invent forms of words, rituals and movement that enable postmodern people to connect with stillness, space, and (ultimately) God. Unfortunately, however, the task of the churches of Denmark is more about drawing existing (albeit nominal) members back to their churches. The challenge facing the UK church is to connect with the many who know nothing of Christianity or the Gospel, and who are seeking spiritual answers in other places than the church.

Perhaps we too can re-invent worship as evangelism?

(Drop in to Trinity Church, Rawdon between 5.00 p.m. and 8.00 p.m. on Sunday 29th October for an experiment in 'spiritual space'!?)

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