Monday, November 20, 2006

Authentic Christianity

Heathrow check-in worker Nadia Eweida has lost her appeal against British Airways. She wants to wear a cross outside her uniform as an expression of her faith; her bosses object.

So what is all this about? Can wearing a cross (brooch? necklace? badge?) seriously be considered an authentic expression of the Christian faith? When was it that Christ's followers began wearing tiny model instruments of torture around their necks? Where was it commanded by our Lord?

I've just found a great quote on the subject by Austen Ivereigh, a Catholic writer and journalist: "There are a lot of ways to demonstrate your faith. The true Christian witness is the love you show people that makes people wonder where you got that from, and you can tell them. A crucifix has become a fashion item worn by rap artists."

Absolutely!! Surely, a person's lifestyle marks them as a Christian, not the jewellery they wear?


Wiggy said...

Marcus I agree that this is the real issue - just the same as people who wear the 'Jesus Loves You' studded belt - either revival has happened in Leeds or its just another fashion trend!

Benedictine Baptist said...

I think that both parties (Ms Eweida and BA) have been unwise to make an issue of it. For BA, it's a PR disaster, and for Ms Eweida, it's the end of her job.

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