Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Negotiables / Non-Negotiables in Church

I (and 6 others from Trinity) attended a day conference this weekend titled ‘Re-Imagining Church’. Very stimulating indeed. We spent some time asking about negotiables / non-negotiables in church, and there were a variety of opinions and perspectives.

What about a church name? Membership? Evangelism? Prayer? Preaching? Baptism? Communion? A building? Sunday services? Ecological responsibility (that stopped us in our tracks!)? Equality? Scripture? All ages?

Thanks to Jonny Baker ( for this in a similar vein:

can we beyond gathering?

church beyond once a week?
church as always on connectivity to christ and one another?
church where community is the content?
theology and resources of church being open source?
church valuing the wisdom of the crowd rather than the knowledge of the expert?
our church/spirituality being easily found by seekers because we tag it that way?
an ethos of low control and collaboration?
an economy of gift?
church as spaces for creative production and self publishing?
church as providers of resources for spiritual seekers and tourists?

Thanks also to David Fitch ( for this:


1) Should not expect to regularly come to church for just one hour, get what you need for your own personal growth and development, and your kids’ needs, and then leave til next Sunday … 2) Should not expect that Jesus will fit in with every consumerist capitalist assumption, lifestyle, schedule or accoutrement you may have adopted before coming here. Expect to be freed from a lot of crap you will find out you never needed.
3) Should not expect to be anonymous, unknown or be able to disappear in this church Body. Expect to be known and loved, supported in a glorious journey.
4) Should not expect production style excellence all the time on Sunday worship gatherings. Expect organic, simple and authentic beauty.
5) Should not expect a raucous "light out" youth program that entertains the teenagers, puts on a show that gets the kids "pumped up," all without parental involvement …
6) Should not expect to always "feel good,"or ecstatic on Sunday mornings. Expect that there will ALSO be times of confession, lament, self-examination and just plain silence.
7) Should not expect a lot of sermons that promise you God will prosper you with "the life you've always wanted" if you’ll just believe Him … Expect sustenance for the journey.
8) Should not expect rapid growth whereby we grow this church from 10 to a thousand in three years. Expect slower organic inefficient growth that engages people’s lives where they are at and sees troubled people who would have nothing to do with the gospel marvelously saved.
9) Should not expect all the meetings to happen in a church building. Expect a lot of the gatherings will be in homes, or sites of mission.
10) Should not expect arguments over style of music, color of carpet, or even doctrinal issues … Expect mission to drive the conversation.
OH, AND BY THE WAY: Should not expect that community comes to you! I am sorry but true community in Christ will take some "effort"and a reshuffling of priorities for both you and your kids. .. assuming you are a follower of Christ (this message is not for strangers to the gospel) you must learn that the answer to all those things is to enter into the practices of "being the Body" in Christ, including sitting, eating, sharing and praying together.


Wiggy said...

Thanks for this Marcus. This all makes sense. My struggle is that real community does indeed often take place away from a sunday service (probably because often a service struggles to create community in its traditional form).

Is is that we work to make sunday more real or work to make real life (the mon-sat) more inclusive of our spiritual walk with Jesus?

Anonymous said...

Hi Marcus, I am enjoying reading your posts and the debates around the various issues.
When you say 'ecological responsibilities' do you mean our individual responsibilities for not buying apples with more air miles than Richard Branson when there are gorgeous UK apples? Or driving when we could walk? Going to Mozzers instead of using the local shops selling local produce?Not boiling more water than we need?Using a water butt? Composting? OR do you mean the 'church' ensuring it's energy efficient, not serving food that 'unsound' at functions, recycling? Or all of the above?

Anonymous said...

Or of course, none of the above!

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