Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Connecting the Faith with Children

The numbers of children in UK Baptist churches are falling at a dramatic rate. Recent analysis of the contact with under-12s revealed that we have lost contact with about a third of the number we were in touch with in 2000 (about 36,000) in the space of five years. 30,000 children have left in the last two years! On Sunday 11th June 2006, Baptist Churches were encouraged to take part in a national day of prayer and awareness, to get on our knees in search for God's guidance to address this worrying problem.

In response, the Yorkshire Baptist Association have commissioned a research project: ‘Connecting the Christian Faith with Children’. For the next two years, I will be working for three days a month on the project: conducting a survey of the Yorkshire Baptist Churches, meeting key practitioners, doing background reading and trying to establish some biblical and theological principles for our work with children. I hope perhaps to share some of my thoughts and conclusions via this blog, and welcome your comments!

As I start this significant piece of work, I find myself more and more convinced that the answer is NOT simply to do Sunday School better. Nor do I have much sympathy with the ‘convert them before they’re eight’ approach. Rather, we need to focus on nurturing a sense of spirituality and numinousness (great word!) in the children AND adults in our churches. I’ve no idea how to do that, but I‘ve got two years to find out!

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