Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Connecting the Christian Faith with Children - presentation

On Monday I presented some of my thinking / reading / writing on the 'Connecting the Christian Faith with Children' project to the Missions Group of the Yorkshire Baptist Association. The response was very positive and encouraging.

There were a couple of interesting things, though. Some churches are right on board with the need for change and intergenerational stuff, but they just have no children! How do they get children and families into the church? Or are we thinking about this with a completely wrong set of categories? Maybe the answer has something to do with the difference between attractional and missional church. An attractional church will worry about having no children / families / young people coming to its services. A missional church will go to where the children / families / young people already are ... ?

I'll carry on posting the sections of my interim report. I think we're up to section nine!

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