Monday, March 12, 2007

all age church

Look at the date on this quotation! 1974! Why was no one listening?

“It has yet to be demonstrated that adults learn and perceive in ways which are decisively different from those in which children learn. … The generalisation that a person notices twenty per cent of what he hears, thirty per cent of what he sees, fifty per cent of what he both hears and sees, seventy per cent of what he himself says and ninety per cent of what he himself does is true, irrespective of the age of the person …

"The challenge to the church is that in its dealings with adults it will have to find the courage to move away … from an educational approach derived from ancient Greece and to develop the use of an experiential approach which has validity for both children and adults …

"The involvement of children in the total community life of the church might cause church leaders to take seriously how people of all ages learn … This could set in motion profound changes in church life."

- from Sutcliffe, Learning Community (1974, NCEC), quoted by Sutcliffe (ed.), Tuesday’s Child (2001, Christian Education Publications), pp.36-37

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