Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Children's Bibles?

“Studies of so-called ‘Children’s Bibles’ or ‘Bibles for Children’ reveal a substantial problem. They reflect prevailing fashions and worldviews, and an adult gate keeping or selection of what is felt to be suitable for children. One myth is that adults understand the whole Bible whereas children can only understand certain adult-selected parts! … We have sold children short.”
- White, Continuing the Search (www.childtheology.org)
“We carve up the Bible into “Bible stories,” so that few children even suspect that the story of God’s people – our story – is not a collection of object lessons or heartwarming anecdotes, but a long story of unbearable loss – and unbearable hope.”
- Wolff Pritchard, Offering the Gospel to Children (1992, Cowley Publications), p.4
We “violate the story … by telling it in snippets, out of order, and treating it chiefly as a source of themes and moral maxims.”
- Wolff Pritchard, Offering the Gospel to Children (1992, Cowley Publications), p.44

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