Monday, March 12, 2007

children and the church: more quotes

Here are another couple of good quotes. And one of these is from 1943

“Christian education is no substitute for real, living membership in the community of faith. [But] the church has continued to segregate children from the worshipping community where its own life is most richly lived.”
- Wolff Pritchard, Offering the Gospel to Children (1992, Cowley Publications), p.141

“Christian teaching is so often a predominantly intellectual lesson, a matter of words, not of experience embodied in the relationships of a group … the young are not being nurtured in a community which expresses right through its whole life a common set of true values …”
- from Reeves, Children of the Future (1943, The Kingsbury Press),
quoted by Sutcliffe (ed.), Tuesday’s Child (2001, Christian Education Publications), pp.34-35

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